SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 504

Ethylene inAir usingSRI 310CGC
May 2009
Perfect for fruit growerswho
want tomeasure ambient levels
of Ethylene
The four chromatograms on this
page show 1ml Ethylene in room
airmeasuredwith anSRI Model
310CGC equippedwithFlame
IonizationDetector ( FID ) and a 2
meter PorapakQ column. The
column temperaturewas held at
Room air also contains 1.8ppm
Methanewhich is separated from
and elutes prior to theEthylene
peak. You can see that the
Methane peak ismuch larger than
theEthylene peak in the .1 and .01
ppm chromatograms
10 ppm
1 ppm
0.1 ppm
0.01 ppm
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