SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 505

TheFAME samplewas submitted
byClaudePelletier. An example
brandof GC. was provided for refer-
ence. The reference chromatogram
was runona30meter ZebronZB-
WAX .32mm id .25mm film thick-
TheSRI chromatogramswere run
ona30meter RestekMXT-
WAX .28mm id1.0micron film thick-
ness column. ( this iswhat wehad
in stock at the time ) The thicker film
thicknessand smaller column idac-
count for the longer retention times
andbroader peakwidthson theSRI
chromatograms. Despite thesedif-
ferences, theSRI chromatograms
are comparable to the reference
TheSRI 8610CGCwas equipped
withaheatedSplit\Splitless injector
andFIDdetector. 1ul of the cus-
tomer FAME samplewas injected
with the injector tempat 200C.
The columnwas temperaturepro-
grammed from190C to232Cat 3
degrees perminute followedby a
holdat 232C for the first two chro-
TheSplitless injection ( #3 ) was
programmed from50C to190at
30Cperminute then3degrees/min
to 232 and hold.
All chromatogramare shownat the
same scale.
FAMEAnalysis for Coastal ZonesResearch Institute
performed bySRI Instruments using an
SRI 8610CGasChromatograph October 12, 2007
No split
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