SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 507

The following is an outline of how PeakSimple data acquisition software/hardware can be
used to acquire and analyze (in conjunction with an appropriate spreadsheet) gel permeation
chromatography data. At this time, two different version of PeakSimple software were required
for successful analysis. Version 2.08 was used to collect the data and obtain result tables for
narrow polymer standard chromatograms, while version 2.09 was used to obtain the peak slice
information for broad unknown polymers. That is, using 2.09, the voltage difference between
the detector output and the subsequently drawn baseline was obtained for each data point and
saved as an ASCII file, which was then imported into Excel for in-depth GPC analysis.
Ultimately, it would be preferred to use only one version of PeakSimple. However, 2.09 (the
latest version) was not stable while acquiring data. The program would crash after
approximately 5 minutes. Furthermore, the time display in the upper right hand corner did not
appear to work and retention windows were not visible on the screen although a component file
was active. Thus, 2.09was used only for obtaining slice informationwith non-active channels.
To illustrate how PeakSimple can be used for GPC analysis, I have included 3 narrow
polystyrene standard chromatograms (4 standards per chromatogram) and two broad unknown
polymer chromatograms. Chromatograms were obtained using a Waters 510 pump (U6K
injector), an ethyl acetate mobile phase (1 mL/min), a series of Ultrastyrogel
columns (Waters
, 10
and 500Å) andWaters 2410 refractive index detector. All polymers were pre-dissolved
in ethyl acetate and chromatograms were collected at 1Hz. Polystyrene standard concentrations
were 0.1 % w/w or less (50
L injection volume) while broad unknown polymers were
approximately 1 % w/w (75
L injection volume). Also included are component files,
containing the standard identities and expected retention windows, an event file for integration,
and two ASCII data files containing slice information for the broad unknown polymers, and an
Excel filewith in-depthGPC analysis.
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