SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 489

Now that all the components have
been identified they can be cali-
Load thepreviously run
Level 1 chromatogram
Point to each of the 4 standard
peaks ( glycerin, mono, di and tri-
olein ) and go through the following
sequence for each peak in turn.
not calibrate the internal stan-
dardpeaksbutanetriol and tri-
Point to the 1st peak and click on
the right handmouse button.
This brings up amenu from
which you select “calibrate
component” ( calibrate glyc-
erol for example ).
Since no calibration curve
currently exists, PeakSimple
asks if youwant to copy a
template curve. This is a
conveniencewhen calibrat-
ingmany peaks, but for now
just sayNO.
The next screen asks for the calibra-
tion level. Select level 1.
This takes you to a blank calibration
curve screen.
PerformingASTM6584 freeand total glycerin in
BioDiesel usinganSRI GasChromatograph
andPeakSimple software version3.67
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