SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 484

Set up a temperatureprogram in the
PeakSimple software ( which comes
freewith everySRI GC ) starting at
40 degrees, holding there for 2min-
utes, then ramping at 20 degrees
perminutes to 380 degrees, and
holding there for 11minutes. The
ASTM 6584method does not spe-
cifically recommend a temperature
program so long as the peaks are
well separated from each other and
from any interfering peaks.
Inject each of the 5 calibration stan-
dards, saving the data file under a
unique name each time
( level1cal.chr, level2 cal.chr etc ).
A typical level 5 calibration is shown to
the right.
Create a retentionwindow for each of the
6 peaks by pointing to the peakwith your
mouse, clicking on the right handmouse
button and then left clicking on “add com-
PerformingASTM6584 freeand total glycerin in
BioDiesel usinganSRI GasChromatograph
andPeakSimple software version3.67
You canmodify the temperatureprogram later if you
find your particular rawmaterial ( soybeanoil,
chicken fat etc ) works better witha faster or slower
ramp rate.
When you click the right handmousebuttonapop
upwindow appears on the screen
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