SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 477

Now that all the components have
been identified they canbe cali-
brated. Point toeachof the6
peaks plus 3Totals peaks andgo
through the following sequence for
eachpeak in turn.
Point to thepeakand clickon the
right handmousebutton.
This brings up amenu fromwhich
you select “calibrate component”
( calibrateglycerol for example ).
Since no calibration curve
currently exists, PeakSimple
asks if youwant to copy a
template curve. This is a
conveniencewhen calibrat-
ingmany peaks, but for now
just sayNO.
Thenext screenasks for the calibration level.
Select level 1.
This takes you toablank calibration
PerformingASTM 6584 free and total glycerin in
BioDiesel using anSRI GasChromatograph
andPeakSimple software
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