SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 475

Create threeadditional
called Total MonoGlyc-
erides, Total DiGlyc-
erides, andTotal
Triglycerides. These
windows should be
wider than the
monoolien, diolien and
triolienand shouldover-
lap the individual cali-
The functionof theTo-
tal Mono, Di andTri
windowswill be to sum
upall themono, di and
tri glycerides toarriveat
ananswer for total
Enter the peak number for tricaprin sincewe
are still using tricaprinas the internal stan-
dard for theTotal windows.
Select the radiobutton labeledShow total of
all peaks.
Enter the factor specified in theASTM6584
method. Monoglycerides=.2591
Diglycerides=.1488 Triglycerides=.1044
This factor accounts for thepercentageof the
moleculewhich isboundglycerin.
PerformingASTM 6584 free and total glycerin in
BioDiesel using anSRI GasChromatograph
andPeakSimple software
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