SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 473

Adjust the retentionwindow ( the red
horizontal linewhichappears ) so that
it is centered on the peak. Adjust the
widthof the retentionwindow so it is
just a littlewider than thepeak.
Grab themiddleof theH-bar with your
mouse tomove thewindow side to
side, or grab the vertical ends to nar-
rowor widen thewindow.
Double clickon the retentionwindow
or right click then select Edit Compo-
nent. This brings up theComponent
Details screen shown at right.
Giveeachpeakadifferent peaknumber.
Fill in thepeak’sname.
For the tricaprinandbutanetriol internal
, enter the concen-
tration in the stock solution. This is how
PeakSimple knows the concentrationof
the internal standards.
Enter theunits youprefer to calibrate in
( ppmor percent ).
Note: onemillion
ppm=100%, 100,000ppm=10%,
10,000ppm=1%, 1000ppm=.1%,
100ppm=.01%, 10ppm=.001%,
Select the largest peakonly radiobutton
soPeakSimple finds the largest peak in
thewindow as tricaprin, not a small noise
PerformingASTM 6584 free and total glycerin in
BioDiesel using anSRI GasChromatograph
andPeakSimple software
Don’t fill in any of the other fields in this screen at
this time
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