SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 97

MulipleGas#3 plusSulfur
The 60meterMXT1 capillary column
is connected to theHaysep-D column
using a “tee” fitting. When the sample
is injected, it is split so about half the
sample flows into theHD column and
the other half flows into the capillary
column. Notice how the cap column
is inserted into the sample delivery
tube in such away that the sample
splits cleanly. If the connection is not
made in thisway, the peakswill not
beas sharp.
The other end of the capillary column
is connected to theFPD/FID detector
using aSwagelok nut and graphite
TheTCD andFID/methanizer detec-
tors are connected in series, so all
molecules exit theHD/MS13x col-
umns and flow first through theTCD
and then exit theTCD and flow into
theFID/methanizer via a 1/16’ stain-
less steel tube.
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