SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 234

WithSerial Control
Here ishow this canbe featurecanbeused to setupa31-stream stream selection system
using two16-positionvalvesand twoactuators seriallydaisy-chained together. Refer to
thechapter entitled“Optional Serial Interface”(beginningonpage6) as required.
1. Configure the secondactuatorusing thecommand
,giving it avalidposition
rangeof 16 to31.
2. Useapieceof tubing toconnectport 16of thefirst valve (on theactuator still carrying
the factory-defaultoffset valveof“1”) to thecommonportof thevalveon the second
actuator (whichnowhasanoffset valueof “16”).
3. Connect streams1 through15 toports1 through15on thefirst valve,and streams16
through31 toports1 through15on the secondvalve.
Using theOffsetFeature
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