SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 238

October 2013
TheSRI AromaticSelectiveDetector
(ASD ) can bemounted on the 8610C
chassis as shown at right.
TheASD is a heated ( up to 350C )
single beamUV spectrometer with a
fixedwavelength of 254nm. The light
comes from a small mercury lamp
whose bluish glow you can see in the
photoat right.
On this particular GC, aFID detector
is alsomounted in serieswith the
ASD so the samplemolecules flow
first through theASD and then on to
The light path is through a 15 cm tube
which ismounted in a heated enclo-
sure just aboveamassiveheated
Mercury lamp 
outputs 254nm 
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