SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 241

October 2013
With the tem-
gram shown,
hydrogen car-
rier gas and
theASD andFID in series, a syn-
thetic diesel standard composed
of even aliphatic hydrocarbons
( C10, C12…C28 ) shows nice
peaks on theFID ( top trace ), but
has no response on theASD.
A 1ul injection of TNT ( dyna-
mite ) shows a nice peak on both
detectors. Note that the acetoni-
trile solvent shows no response
on theASD.
The same 1ul injection of TNT
using air carrier gas sourced
from theGC’s built-in air com-
pressor illustrates that theASD
equippedGC is capable of oper-
atingwithout gas cylinder of any
kind. Of coursewithout hydro-
gen theFID does not work, so no
peaks are detected
FID signal 
ASD signal 
Air carrier gas
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