SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 112

Operating theSRI Mudlogger GC configuration
TheTotalGas flow is connected to
theTotalGas FIDwith approxi-
mately 12 inches of .005” id
stainless steel tubing. The small
interior diameter is important to
minimize the delay time ( the time
it takes for the sample gas tomove
from the inlet fitting to the detec-
tor ).
TheTotalGas sample can be intro-
duced to theFID either through the
air supply connection or via the
FID flame jet. The jet inlet must be
capped off when connected via the
air supply.
Connection through the jet is the
standardway unless otherwise
specified by the customer ). Con-
necting via the jet results in better
linearity ( see the data comparison
on the next page ).
This shows
tubing con-
nected ( using
a tee fitting ) to
theair supply
of theFID
This shows
tubing con-
nected to the
normal jet inlet
to theFID
This shows
cap fitting.
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