SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 115

Operating theSRI Mudlogger GC configuration
Set theChannel 1 tem-
perature program to a
steady isothermal tem-
perature. 40C is ideal for
theMXT column, while
70C or higher is appropri-
ate for theC8 packed col-
TheChannel 1Event ta-
ble rotates theValco 10
port gas sampling valve
immediately at thebegin-
ning of the analysis ( .02
minutes ) and rotates it
back at .9minutes ( back-
flushC6+ ). The valve
timing is adjustable by the
For example, if the
user wantedC5+ back-
flush instead of C6+, the
valvewould be rotated
back to the Load position at .6
minutes instead of .9minutes
Typically theChannel 1Postrun
screen is configured ( re-start run
is checked ) so the speciation
analysis is automatically re-started
after a short delay ( in this case .1
minutes ). Anew analysis ismade
everyminute or two depending on
the user’s time requirements.
Channel 1Event Table
actuates valve
Channel 1Tempera-
columnovenat steady
40C forMXT column
or 70C for C8 column.
1...,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114 116,117,118,119,120,121,122,123,124,125,...870
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