SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 114

Operating theSRI Mudlogger GC configuration
The column that is typically used
to speciate the sample is a 15
meterMXT1 5micron film .53mm
capillary column.
A2meter n-octane onRessil-C
packed column is also commonly
specified. Both columns can be
used interchangeably on either
helium or hydrogen carrier gas.
Separation of ethane frommeth-
anemay be slightly better on the
C8 column, but C6+ takes longer.
TheC8 column can only
be heated to 150Cwhile
theMXT can go to
300C .
MXT chromatogram
C5out by 1.0minutes
C6+ in1.5minutes
C8 chromatogram
C5out by 1.0minutes
C6+ in2.0minutes
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