8610CannabisFlyerFebruary2013 - page 28

Medical CannabisPesticide
Screening using theSRI 8610CGC
Start the analysis by pushing the
start button on theGC. You can
also push the spacebar on the com-
puter keyboard. TheEvent table in
PeakSimplewill de-actuateRelayA
at .1minutes into the analysiswhich
will cause the carrier gas to strip the
pesticides from the nowHOT can-
nabis and deposit the pesticide
molecules on the two columns.
If your GC is equippedwith a sec-
ond injector andFID detector for po-
tencymeasurement, you can inject
the potency extract in the other in-
jector anytime in the first 1minute of
the analysis.
At 1minute into the analysis, the
carrier gas is turned off for 30 sec-
onds. During that 30 second period
remove the tube from theHOT in-
jector using a tool to avoid burning
your fingers. Place theHOT tube in
a beaker to cool off. Youmust re-
place the sep-
tum nut within
the 30 second
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