8610CannabisFlyerFebruary2013 - page 20

Medical CannabisPotencyTesting
using theSRI 8610CFIDGC
A real cannabis samplewill
look something like the chro-
matogramat right. Therewill
be one big peak (THC) and
much smaller ones for CBD
andCBN. In this case, CBD is
so low that it is not detected.
CBNmay ormay not bede-
tectedor itmay blend into the
much larger THCpeak.When
this happens you canuse the
slower temperatureprogram
and/or lower the carrier pressure to
get better separationof the peaks.
Theremay beother peakswhichare
not CBD, THCor CBN. These other
peaks are cannabinoids (CBC, Delta-
8THC, CBG, and others) for which
theremay ormay not be calibration
standards available at this time.
Itmay be necessary tomanually inte-
grate some of the peaks for themost
accurate quanitificationof cannabi-
noidpotency. See thePeakSimple
AdvancedTutorial formore informa-
tiononmanual Integration.
TheResults screenwill show the
concentrationof all peaks detected
basedon the calibrationwe have pre-
viously done.
Print the chromatogramand results
for a hardcopy record of theanalysis.
SRI TechSupport 310-214-5092
Other cannabinoids
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