8610CannabisFlyerFebruary2013 - page 15

Medical CannabisPotencyTesting
using theSRI 8610CFIDGC
Pull theplunger back to the3ul
mark and note the amount of liq-
uid. It shouldbe1.6-1.8ul because
the needle also contains .6-
8ul and this adds to the 1ul you
measuredwith theplunger.
Leave the plunger at the 3ul mark.
With the plunger still at the 3ul
mark, place theneedle up against
the septum ( but not poking
through it yet ).
Press theStart Run button or hit
theSpacebar on the keyboard to
start the run.
Insert the syringe all theway
through the septum as far as it will
go. Immediatelydepress the
plunger. Twist the syringe onehalf
turn (towipe off any liquidon the
tipof theneedle) and thenwith-
draw the syringe.
SRI TechSupport 310-214-5092
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