8610CannabisFlyerFebruary2013 - page 18

Medical CannabisPotencyTesting
using theSRI 8610CFIDGC
Remove the cap from a 40ml vial
and place it on thebalance. The
balance should be capable of
reading1milligram ( .001 gram ).
Abalance like this can be pur-
chased brand new for less than
With the 40mLvial on the balance
tare the reading (make the reading
0.000). Then carefully add
100milligrams ofmanicured can-
nabis. Drop thebits of cannabis
into the vial slowly until the reading
is close to 100milligrams. Make
sure towritedown theexact
weight of the sample somewhere,
preferably on the vial itself.
Don’t worry if youare slightlyun-
der or above 100. In the photo at
right, the reading is 98milligrams
which is closeenough. Youwill en-
ter the reading in the sample
weight field inPeak-
Simple software
whichwill mathemati-
cally correct the cal-
culated answer to
compensate for
weights slightly above
or below100.
SRI TechSupport 310-214-5092
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