8610CannabisFlyerFebruary2013 - page 1

Theuseof Cannabis inAustralia is arguably deemed illegal . . . despitebeing legalised inmanyStates andCountries for personal and/ormedical use.
Governments seemmore interestednot necessarily in health issues butmoresopotential loss of revenue throughdifficult to control naturally grown
and their replacement of controlled substances like tobaccoandalcohol undermoreandmore severe taxation tariifs andwhichare "protected" substances
despitearguably but provenmoredamagingheatlhand social problems.
Vested interest are theprime interest including themedical/pharmaceutical systemaswell as theattracted criminal element bothout toexploit thepublics
naivety or gullibility.
ChromalyticTechdoesNOTcondone theuseof such illicitmaterials
if it at all ameliorates social consequences otherwise.
resulting from social pressures arisingas a consequenceof poor government,management decisions etc.
Provenharddrugswherehealth, safety, addictionareadifferent issueand controls are required.
There is in fact avalidargument for the legalisationof all druguse.
Up toapoint authorities seem to condone limiteduseof "reasonable" possessionuseof various drugs as they realisewide-spread cultivation is soeasy
toproducebut difficult if not impossible toenforce.
Weargue that to reduce thehuge criminal repercussions that better to control theproduction through sensible licensingandQualityControl testing
of product tominimiseadulteration/ dilutionby producers throughdrugpeddlars andunscrupulous re-sellers all out toexploit theend-users.
At best all of these "middlemen" areunawareof the risks involded in converting rawproduct in safematerials repesticide contamination, solvent extraction
imputities let alone theactual potnency variances due togenetics andgrowth factors.
Trivial "saliva" and "potency" test kits are to varyingdegress legalised in this context but are for all intents andpurposes of minimal usefullness except for
ill-defined lawenforcement purposes.
GasChromatotography (andperhaps toa lesser extentsHPLCbeing less affordableandmore complex ) is recognisedas a relatively simple low cost
QC technique. HPTLC is another promising complementary technique.
Under suitableLaboratory control, licensingetc. withproper technical supervision.
For "Cannabis" theGChas beenwell researchedand documented to thepoint whereeffectiveQC is nowpossible.
Chromalytic offers suchGCequipment toqualifiedLabs and researchers but by definitionGC is suchaUniversal techniquieNOGC system canbe
definedas beingapplicatble tomarijuna ( or any other drug testing ) ONLY!
There isNO legal restrictionon theuseof GC for ANY purpose includingpotential use for drug testing.
"Catch-ALL legalities" Buyer BEWAREToprevent diversionof suchor other equipment thatmight be somehow related topotential drugmanufacture
theauthorities havedeemed that in their "wisdom"
canat any timeandat their discretionbedeclared "
for restricteduseOnly"
Analytical Test equipment ingeneral includingGCs and inprincipleareNOT classified.
will NOT supply sucheqiuipment tounauthorisedend-users.
- equires settingupanaccount withChromalyticTechnologywith full traceability; IDetc
- Declarationas to the intendeduse
Weaccept NOResponsibilitywhatsover for theuseormisuseof such equipment either legal or illegal.
Any resultsand interpretationof suchand resulting consequnecesareentirelyat theend-users risk
/ preamble . . . "draft Only"
: Customconfigurations specific toCannabis
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