8610CannabisFlyerFebruary2013 - page 33

Butane andResidual Solvents inMedical Cannabis
Flowers andConcentrates using theSRI 8610CFIDGC
TheSRIMedical HerbPotency
8610CGC is shown at right. This
GC canalsobe used to test for re-
sidual solvents (i.e. butane, ace-
tone, gasoline residue, etc.) in
medical cannabis. These solvents
are used in theextraction process
to createmedical cannabis hash
oils and concentrates.
The 12 vial sampleheater
(incubator) aids inextractionof
samples for potency testing, but
canalsobehelpful in residual sol-
vent analysis since the addedheat
makes any solventsmore concen-
trated in thegas headspace in the
TheGC includesSRI’sFlame-
IonizationDetector (FID) which is
sensitive tohydrocarbons
(solvents, terpenes, and canna-
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