8610CannabisFlyerFebruary2013 - page 36

Butane andResidual Solvents inMedical Cannabis
Flowers andConcentrates using theSRI 8610CFIDGC
In order to identify residual sol-
vents in cannabis samples known
standardsmust be injected. There
aremanyways to do this, but SRI
recommends usingaC1 toC6gas
standardat 0.1% concentration
(1000ppm for eachgas). You can
pick agas standard fromGrace
Davison (part #M7017).
Pressurize thegas cylinder by
turning the release valve slightly
counterclockwise. Pierce the sep-
tumwith a3mLgas syringe and
withdraw1mLof gas. Remove the
syringe from the gas samplebot-
Or, alternatively, place the3mL
syringe needle intoa standard dis-
posable lighter and suck out 1mL
of butane.
SRI TechSupport 310-214-5092
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