8610CannabisFlyerFebruary2013 - page 44

Butane andResidual Solvents inMedical Cannabis
Flowers andConcentrates using theSRI 8610CFIDGC
Super Sour Diesel Flowers
spikedwithorganic sol-
vents (C
). Notice the
elevated concentrations of
organic solvents.
Sour OG concentrate
spikedwithorganic sol-
vents (C
Page 12
SRI TechSupport 310-214-5092
Real worldmedical cannabis sampleswill always contain some concen-
tration of organic solvents (plantmatter gives off trace amounts of ethane,
methaneandother gases as it slowly decays), so the presenceofminute
quantities of thesegases shouldnot be alarming.As theoperator gains
experience running samples theywill bemorequalified todeterminewhat
acceptable and unacceptable levels of these compounds are.
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