8610CannabisFlyerFebruary2013 - page 53

Medical CannabisTerpeneMeasurement
using theSRI 8610CFIDGC
Remove the cap froma 40mLvial
and place it ona balance capable
of reading1milligram ( .001
gram ).Abalance like this canbe
purchasedbrandnew for less than
$300 oneBay.
With the40mLvial on the balance,
tare the reading (make the read-
ing 0.000 ). Carefully add100milli-
grams ofmanicured cannabis to
the vial. Drop thebits of cannabis
into the vial slowly until the reading
is close to100milligrams.
Don’t worry if you are slightly un-
der or above 100. In thephotoat
right, the reading is 98milligrams
which is closeenough. Qualitative
terpeneanalysis does not depend
on anexact measurement of sam-
ple, but theoperatormay find it
advantageous touse the same
sample for a subsequent potency
analysis. In this case, the reading
on the scalewill be important in
properlymeasuring the cannabis
sample. See thePeakSimple tuto-
rial describingMedical Cannabis
SRI TechSupport 310-214-5092
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