8610CannabisFlyerFebruary2013 - page 61

MeasuringTHC inButter
using theSRI 8610CGC
After 30minutes in the incubator
the two butter vialswere filledwith
methanol and placed back into the
incubator. Once themethanol
warmed to 50C the butter vials
were shaken for 30 seconds to dis-
perse the butter into very fine
droplets. Thismade a cloudy look-
ing suspension The butter vials
were again placed into the incuba-
tor for 30minutes.
After another 30minutes the butter
solids dropped to the bottom of the
vial leaving clear liquid in the top of
the vial. Interestingly, the suspen-
sion did not clear at room tempera-
ture, onlywhen heated in the incu-
Meanwhile theGCwas calibrated
with amixture of CBD, delta9THC
andCBN each at a concentration
of 333ng/ul. 1ul was injected on-
column into a 15meterMXT500
capillary column
with .53mm id and a film
thickness of .15micron.
The temperature program
was set to start at 140C
hold for 0.00minutes , then
ramp at 20 degrees per
minute to 380C then hold.
TheFIDwas set to 380C.
Hydrogen carrier was used
at 5psi or 10ml/min.
Clear at
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