8610CannabisFlyerFebruary2013 - page 62

MeasuringTHC inButter
using theSRI 8610CGC
The oil only extract was in-
jected and the results
showed 22.3% for CBD and
19.9% for d9THC.
Presumably this particular oil
was prepared from industrial
hemp since theCBDwas so
The vial with butter and oil
was injected and the results
showed 24.9% for CBD and
19.3% d9THC. Some thick-
ening of theCBD is apparent
while theTHC peak looks
much the same as the non-
butter vial.
The vial with butter only ( no
oil ) was injected for compari-
son. No interfering peaks
were observed at theCBD or
THC times but thebutter
peaks appear identical.
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