8610CannabisFlyerFebruary2013 - page 50

Medical CannabisTerpeneMeasurement
using theSRI 8610CFIDGC
To qualitatively identify each ter-
pene, the standardmust be in-
jected into theGC. Rinse the sy-
ringe first, then: use the10uLsy-
ringe deliveredwith theGC ( SRI
#8670-9550 ) towithdraw3-4uLof
the standard. Puncture the septum
rather than open the vial toavoid
letting themethanol solvent evapo-
rateeach time the vial is opened.
Pump the plunger several times to
get rid of air bubbles.
With 3-4uLof liquid in the syringe,
hold the needle vertically or at
least slantedupwards soany air
bubbleswill rise toward the nee-
dle.Withair bubbles removed,
push theplunger to the1uLmark.
It is important tobeas preciseas
possible.Wipe theneedlewith
your fingers or a tissue to remove
any liquid from theoutside of the
Pull theplunger back to the3uL
mark and note theamount of liq-
uid. It shouldbe1.6-1.8uLbe-
cause theneedlealso contains .6-
.8uLand this adds to the1uLyou
measuredwith theplunger.
Leave the plunger at the3uLmark.
SRI TechSupport 310-214-5092
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