8610CannabisFlyerFebruary2013 - page 19

Medical CannabisPotencyTesting
using theSRI 8610CFIDGC
Remove the 40ml vial from the bal-
ance and fill it with40ml of extrac-
tion solvent. You can use 70% or
91% IPA,methanol (methyl alco-
hol), ethanol, acetone, chloroform
or other solvents.We recommend
using eithermethanol, or for a
cheap and efficient solvent, dena-
tured alcohol (amixture of ethanol
andmethanol) that canbeob-
tained atmost hardware stores for
less than $20 agallon. Non-polar
solvents likehexane arenot rec-
ommendedbecause they do not
extract the cannabinoids aswell as
polar solvents.
Shake the vial for a few seconds
and then let it sit for about 20min-
utes in the incubator (longer with-
out heat).
Use the 10ul syringewhich comes
with theGC to inject 1ul of the ex-
tract as shown previouslywith the
calibration standard. It is important
tobe very precisewith the syringe
since the overall accuracy of the
test depends on this. Don’t forget
toenter the exact Sampleweight
in theproper fieldon the integra-
tion screen.
SRI TechSupport 310-214-5092
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