SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 540

EPAMethod 16BGC configuration
November 2013
TheSRI Modeod 16BGC configuration in-
corporates aFPD/FID combo detector plus
amodifiedDELCD reactor to convert all sul-
fur species injected intoSO2.
ThemodifiedDELCD reactor can reach
temperatures of 1000C, and is constructed
so that a tube such as the .53mm fused sili-
ca tube shown in the photo can pass
through the hottest portion of the reactor.
Sulfur species such asH2SCOS, DMS and
others are converted by the reactor heat in-
TheSO2 is then separated from other com-
pounds likeCO2, COand unreacted sulfurs
by the 15meter capillary column. This is to
insure that no other compound can interfere
with theSO2measurement.
Heat for the reactor is supplied by an exter-
nal 12 volt power supply rated at 80watts.
Plug it in on the right sideof theGC.
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