SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 539

Mass FlowController Option forMudlogger GC
March 2014
The secondFIDmeasures the “Total
Hydrocarbons” ( THC ) in the sample
gas, but requires that the sample gas be
presented to theGC at a constant pres-
sure ( typically 10psi ). A steady reading
requires that the pressure be held con-
stant by agoodquality pressure regula-
Optionally, a truemass flow controller
( SRI part# 8670-6010 ) (march2014
price $2000 )may bemountedwhich
keeps the flow to the “THC” FID con-
stant even if the inlet pressure changes.
It is rated at 40psi inlet max.
The flow controllermay be set from 20-
500ml/min from the simple keypad. This
flow is split by about 100:1. So if set to
100, therewould be 1ml/minute going to
FID#2 and 99ml/minute exit out the vent.
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