SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 537

AdvancedGasChromatography - Progress inAgricultural,
Biomedical and Industrial Applications
Edited byDr. MustafaAli Mohd
Hard cover, 460 pages
Published online
21, March, 2012
Published in print edition
March, 2012
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Progress in agricultural, biomedical and industrial applications' is a compilation of recent advances and
developments in gas chromatography and its applications. The chapters cover various aspects of applications
ranging from basic biological, biomedical applications to industrial applications. Book chapters analyze new
developments in chromatographic columns, microextraction techniques, derivatisation techniques and
pyrolysis techniques. The book also includes several aspects of basic chromatography techniques and is
suitable for both young and advanced chromatographers. It includes some new developments in
chromatography such asmultidimensional chromatography, inverse chromatography and some discussions
on two-dimensional chromatography. The topics covered include analysis of volatiles, toxicants, indoor air,
petroleum hydrocarbons, organometallic compounds and natural products. The chapterswerewritten by
experts from various fields and clearly assisted by simple diagrams and tables. This book is highly
recommended for chemists aswell as non-chemistsworking in gas chromatography.
How to reference
In order to correctly reference this scholarlywork, feel free to copy and paste the following:
VasileMatei, IulianComănescu andAnca-FlorentinaBorcea (2012). StationaryPhases, AdvancedGas
Chromatography - Progress inAgricultural, Biomedical and Industrial Applications, Dr. MustafaAli Mohd (Ed.),
ISBN: 978-953-51-0298-4, InTech, Available from:
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