restekapp07 - page 4

reliably store ppb levels of the
active sulfur-containing com-
pound during transport from
the sampling site to the analyti-
cal laboratory. In contrast,
hydrogen sulfide degraded
rapidly in the untreated cylinder, andwas lost
totallywithin 24 hours.
In a similar study inwhich gas containing
18.8ppbvmethyl mercaptanwas stored for 60
hours in Sulfinert
treated sample cylinders,
recovery of the active sulfur compoundwas
equally high relative to the stable reference
material, dimethyl mercaptan, as shown in
Figure 1b.
SulfurCompounds toTubing
Comparison of the transport properties of
treated electropolished stainless steel
tubing (TrueTube
EPS tubing, surface rough-
ness average (RA): 5-10, O'Brien Corporation,
St. Louis, MO), untreated electropolished stain-
less steel tubing (TrueTube
EP tubing, RA 5-10,
O'Brien Corporation), and raw commercial grade
stainless steel tubing (RA 23-27) show only
treated electropolished stainless steel
has the inertness necessary for quantitatively
transferring sulfur compounds at low ppmv to
low ppbv concentrations in sample streams. An
experiment was designed to confirmwhether a
sulfur-containing stream passing through stain-
less steel tubingwould passivate active sites on
the steel surface, through adsorption of the
active sulfur species.The amount of time
elapsed before a representative sample, con-
taining a stable and accurate sulfur content,
exited the tubingwas themeasured indicator of
surface activity in the tubing.
Moreaccurate results and faster
cycle times, usingSulfinert®
treated components
Storage, andTransferConsiderations
Accurate analyses for parts-per-million to
parts-per-billion levels of sulfur-containing
compounds in petrochemical streams are critical
tomeeting new regulations for lower levels of
sulfur in diesel fuel and gasoline. Many organo-
sulfur compounds—hydrogen sulfide, methyl
mercaptan, and ethyl mercaptan among them—
adsorb strongly tometal surfaces. Adsorption of
sulfur compounds in sampling, storage, and/or
transfer apparatus can cause prolonged analy-
sis cycle times aswell as inaccurate, falsely low
In the studies described here, active sulfur
gaseswere sampled, stored, and transferred in
control (untreated) and Sulfinert
treated static
(storage) and flow-through system components,
to determine quantitative losses of the sulfur
gas species. Concentrations of the sulfur gases
spanned the low parts-per-million to low parts-
per-billion range.
Figure 1a depicts results from a comparison in
which a gas containing 17ppbv of hydrogen sul-
fidewas stored for 7 days in untreated or in
treated stainless steel sample cylin-
ders.The response ratio for hydrogen sulfide,
relative to a stable referencematerial, dimethyl
sulfide, is steady at approximately 1:1 for at
least seven days in Sulfinert
treated cylinders.
The data show a Sulfinert
treated systemwill
Sulfinert® treatment adds value to
your processbyensuring:
•Accurate results
•Improved yields
•Faster cycle times
Avoid these losses!
A1-hour delay can cost:
•800,000 tpy ethylene plant: $50,000
•250,000 tpy LDPE unit: $36,000
•250,000 tpy EBSM styrene plant: $33,000
•200,000 tpy anti-freeze process: $3,600
110Benner Circle • Bellefonte, PA 16823
800-356-1688•814-353-1300• fax: 814-353-1309
Sulfur compounds are stable inSulfinert® treated stainless steel systems
a) 17ppbvhydrogen sulfide in500mL cylinders
b) 18.8ppbvmethylmercaptan in300mL cylinders
1,2,3 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,...324
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