restekapp07 - page 324

from ink
fromNIST library
Paper only
Overlaid TICs of paper, and paper with ink scribbles, as analyzed using SPME
GC-TOFMS. Diphenylamine (blue asterisk, inset chromatogram), whichwas located automatically
with a Compare feature of ChromaTOF, can be attributed to the ballpoint pen ink.
SPME GC-TOFMS is a fast and powerful way to characterize the volatile organic composition of ink
samples, especially due to automated peak find and spectral deconvolution. Compare, a feature
unique to ChromaTOF software, simplifies data reduction for complex samples, and quickly
highlights (and identifies) compounds that can be considered as "Contaminants" when compared to
a Reference. SPME needs further investigation as an ink dating technique for samplesmore than
eight months old.
G.M. LaPorte, J.D. Wilson, A.A. Cantu, S.A. Mancke, and S.L. Fortunato, The Identification of
2-Phenoxyethanol in Ballpoint Inks Using Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry—Relevance to
Ink Dating
, J. Forensic Sci.
, Jan. 2004, Vol. 49, No. 1
V.N. Aginsky, Current Methods for Dating Ink on Documents
Gerald LaPorte at the United States Secret Service inWashington, DC provided the aged ink
samples. Chris Cox at Restek Corporation provided the Rtx-TNT column used for this work.
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