SRI-CatEuro-2014_Page_01.tif - page 69

GC Injectors
MethodTO-14AirConcentrator (1Trapor 2)
Tedlar bag sampling
• Sample fromSource, Tedlar Bags, Canisters, or
Ambient Air
• VacuumPumpandDataSystemcontrolled Interface
• IndependentlyHeatedDual TrapDesign (optional)
• 10-port ElectricallyActuatedValve
• PeakSimpleControl
TheSRIMethodTO-14AirConcentrator isequipped
with a vacuum pump and interface, a 10-port gas
sampling valve, and one or two independently
heated adsorbent traps. The included external
vacuumpumpmaybeattached to thedownstream
side of the traps
to load a gas sample
automatically, under control of the PeakSimple
data system.
Shown here is a dual TO-14Air
Concentratorwith four traps and
twogas samplingvalves.
The gas samplemay be contained in Tedlar bags
or canisters, or may be sampled directly from the
source. The vacuumpump isoperated for several
minutesormore topass100-200mL/minuteofgas
through the traps,where theorganicsare retained.
Several liters or more may be concentrated,
depending on the detection limit required. Once
the analytes are trapped, they are desorbed and
directed to the column for separation.
TheTO-14AirConcentratorcomeswithsingleordual traps.Thesingle trapoption isgood formostanalyses.
If vinyl chloride is a target analyte, order the dual trap option. Please see the Purge & Trap pages for an
explanationof thebeneits of our uniquedual trapdesign.
MethodTO-14AirConcentratorwith 1 trap
MethodTO-14AirConcentratorwith2 traps
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