SRI-CatEuro-2014_Page_01.tif - page 62

GC Injectors
HeatedSplit/Splitless Injector
TheSplit/Splitless Injector is insulated tohelp
maintain its temperature independentlyof the
columnoven temperature.
• Split, Splitless, orOn-ColumnModes
• NarroworWideBoreCapillaryColumns
• Adjustable fromAmbient to 300°C
• AdjustableSplit Flow
The split flow is adjustable by a
precision needle valve on the front of
the GC valve oven. The GC pictured
here is also equipped with a gas
OUTalsoonthefrontof thevalveoven.
TheHeatedSplit/Splitless Injector permits the useof narrow-
bore capillary columns (0.32mm I.D. and smaller) in split or
splitlessmodes. Capillarycolumnswith0.53mm I.D. and1/8”
packed columns can be used in split, splitless, or on-column
modes. The injector temperature is adjustable from ambient
to300°C. The split low is adjustablebymeans of aprecision
needle valve, and can be turnedON/OFFwith a timed Event
from the PeakSimple data system. One Silcosleeve liner and
oneunbreakable stainless steel liner are suppliedas standard
equipment with the injector.
Stainless steel andSilcosleeve liners
withmegabore columnadapter
The Split/Splitless Injector option is an upgrade to an existing On-column Injector, which is standard
equipment on everySRI GC.When it isdesired to add theSplit/Splitless Injector as the second injector, an
On-column Injectormust be ordered aswell (part number 8690-0023, page 58).
HeatedSplit/Splitless Injector upgrade
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