SRI-CatEuro-2014_Page_01.tif - page 67

GC Injectors
HeatedAdsorbent Traps
• Dual setpoints for adsorption&desorption temperatures
• PreconcentratesmoleculesbetweenC
• Single (1/8”) orDual (1/4”) IndependentlyHeatedTraps
• Requires a10-port Valve&Valveoven
• Adsorbent packingof your choice
• PeakSimpleControl
Carbosieve II MoleSieve 13X
CarbopackB SilicaGel
HayeSep-D Tenax-GR
Top viewof anSRI heated trap
Heated adsorbent traps are a simple and economical way topreconcentrate samples for theGC. Aheated
trap consists of a stainless steel tube packed with adsorbent. While sample is drawn through the tube,
analytes of interest are trapped on the adsorbent bed. Then, the trap is heated and the valve rotated to
desorb theanalytes into thecarrier gas stream,whichdeposits them in theanalytical column for separation
prior to reaching thedetector.
Each SRI trap is plumbed as a sample loop of a
10-port gas sampling valve. A valve and heated
valve ovenmust be ordered alongwith a heated
trap. SRI heated traps are installed in the ducts
of the valve oven on the left-hand side of anSRI
Choose one or two independently heated traps packed
with your choice of adsorbent. Rather than usingmultiple
adsorbents with different afinities and desorption
temperatures in one trap, SRI uses a unique dual trap
system for simultaneous trapping and desorption of
dissimilar analytes. Dual heated traps are an integral part
of theSRI PurgeandTrapand theTO-14AirConcentrator.
For most applications, dual heated traps still require just
one 10-port gas sampling valve.
Heated/fast coolingadsorbent trapandplumbing
for existinggas sampling valve1/8”
Heated/fast coolingadsorbent trapandplumbing
for existinggas sampling valve1/4”
10-Port electrically actuated valve, plumbed& tested
Thermostatted valveovenmountedonan 8610CGC
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