SRI-CatEuro-2014_Page_01.tif - page 76

GC Injectors
OnlineSampler for Purge&Trap
• For usewithSRIMethod 5030Purge&Trap
• Automaticallyfills andempties thePurgeVessel
• Valveand5mL loop for precise sampling
• DataSystemControl
TheOnlineSampler for Purge& Trap is designed for applicationswhere a singlewater stream needs tobe
measuredautomaticallyand repeatedlybypurge& trap. TheOnlineSampler automaticallyillsandempties
the test tube purge vessel of the SRI Method 5030 Purge & Trapwith a preciselymetered 5mL volume of
water. This isusefulwhenmonitoringasinglestreamof contaminatedgroundwater, or awastewater stream.
A valve with a 5mL loop, special plumbing, and a custom purge head make up the Online Sampler. The
stream to bemonitored is plumbed to the Online Sampler and a 10-100mL/minute low is established to
continuously lush the 5mL loopwith fresh sample.
When usedwith anSRI Purge&TrapGC, thePeakSimpledata system controls the sampler to transfer the
5mL loop contents into thepurge vessel of thepurge& trap.When thepurge is complete, thepurge vessel
is emptied towaste.
The valve may be optionally conigured with a second loop so that an internal standard can be injected
alongwith thewater sample.
OnlineSampler for Purge&Trap
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