SRI-CatEuro-2014_Page_01.tif - page 73

GC Injectors
HeatedStaticHeadspace Injector
• Uses standard 40mLVOA vials
• VOAVial Sleeve thermostatted from
Ambient to 90°C
• GasSamplingValvewithfixed volumeLoop
• GaugedisplaysActual Vial Pressure
• Liquid, Solid, or Powder samples
• CompletePeakSimpleControl
The Heated Static Headspace Injector is useful for the analysis of volatiles,
especiallywhere thesamplematrix isdirty. A10-port gassamplingvalveand
ixed sample loop are used formaximumprecision.
The thermostattedheadspace sleeveaccepts standard40mLVOA vialswith
10-20mLs of sample.
As the vial is inserted into the headspace sleeve, two needles puncture the
septum top of the vial. Purge gas enters through one needle to pressurize
the vial, and the other needle carries headspace vapors to the loop of the
gassamplingvalve. Asolenoidvalve locatedat the loopexit isopenedunder
PeakSimpledatasystemcontrol toallowheadspacevapors topurge through
the loop just prior to injecting the loop contents onto the column. The entire
headspace sleeve ismechanicallyagitatedunder control of thedata system.
The headspace sleeve is thermostatted from ambient to 90°C under PeakSimple data system control, and
canbe cooleddownbefore removing theVOA vial.
HeatedStaticHeadspace Injector
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