SRI-CatEuro-2014_Page_01.tif - page 74

GC Injectors
HTA40-Vial HeadspaceAutosampler
• InterfaceswithSRI andotherGCs
• Holds 40Standard 20mLHeadspaceVials
• InjectsDirectly into theGC—No transfer lines
• 6Position IncubatorwithOrbital Shaking
• ProgressiveSampleTransfer
Oven temperature
40°C - 150°C
Incubation time
0:00 - 24:00 hr
Progressive heating time
0:00 - 9:59 hr
Oven shaking time
Syringe temperature
40°C - 150°C
Sample volume
steps of 0.01mL
Flushing low rate
0.1 - 99.9mL/min
Sample homogenization
up to 15 strokes
Syringe size
2.5or 5mL
Injection speed
0.1 - 99mL/min
Pre/post injection swell time
0 - 99 sec
Post injection syringe lush time
0 - 9.9min
The Headspace Autosampler is designed to meet
the requirements of static headspace injection for
GC analysis. The swivel head design simulates the
movementsofmanual direct injectionandeliminates
the need for transfer lines.
The injection tower smoothly transports vials to
the 6 position incubator, where they are orbitally
agitated at the user-programmed temperature.
The heated syringe then samples the headspace
and injects directly into the GC. The 2.5 or 5mL
syringe is purged with inert gas after injection.
The incubator oven and the heated syringe have
the same programmable temperature range of
40° to 150°C. The rotating design leaves the
injection port available for manual injections at
any time. Theautosampler processessamplesso
that headspace injections start immediately after
previous run is completed.
Upto10analyticalmethods, includingalltheuser-selectedoptions listed intheOPERATINGSPECIFICATIONS
table,may be stored in the autosampler’smemory.
HTA40-Vial HeadspaceAutosampler
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