SRI-CatEuro-2014_Page_01.tif - page 64

GC Injectors
10-Port GasSamplingValves and 22-Port Selector Valves
• Heated, ThermostattedValveOven
• Standard&CustomPlumbing
• ElectronicallyActuatedwithPeakSimple
Control orManuallyActuated
• 1, 2, or 3ValveCapability
22-port streamselector valve onour 10position
SRI uses10-port gassamplingvalvesbecause theyprovidemoreanalytical lexibility for thesamecost as4
or 6port valves. 10-port gas sampling valves can easilybeplumbed to replicate the functionof the simpler
valves, while offering many other possible conigurations. SRI offers standard plumbing conigurations,
including: Inject Only, Inject and Backlush, Precolumn Backlush to Vent, Column Sequence Reversal,
Alternate Loop Inject, and Dual Loop-Dual Column. Many more plumbing conigurations are possible,
especiallywhenmultiple valves areplumbed together.
Dual 10-port gas sampling valves in the heated
valveovenof acustomizeddualTO-14 injector
The optional valve oven, mounted on the 8610C GC,
can accommodate two electrically operated plus one
manually operated valve, and can be adjusted from
ambient to 175°C (up to 300°C for the manual valve).
Because the valve oven is immediately next to the
column oven, tubing runs are short with no cold spots,
which results in sharper peaks.
Each valve includes 1/8” stainless steel bulkhead ittings on the front of the optional valve oven for sample
in/out connections. Asingleheated (375°Cmax) fast-coolingadsorbent trapplumbedas the loopof thegas
sampling valve is also available for applicationswhere sample concentration isdesired. The trap cools to a
user-controlled setpoint, not just to ambient temperature, so the adsorbent characteristics (water rejection,
etc.) canbemanipulated.
10-PortManuallyActuated valve, plumbed& tested
10-Port ElectricallyActuated valve, plumbed& tested
Automated 22-port, 10-StreamSelection valve, plumbed& tested
Heated, thermostatted valveovenmountedonan8610CGC
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