SRI-CatEuro-2014_Page_01.tif - page 56

ECD - ElectronCaptureDetector
• DetectsElectronegativeCompounds
• OffersExtremeSensitivity - down to10ppt
• Thermostatted fromAmbient to375°C
• Mandated for Pesticides andPCBs
The SRI ElectronCaptureDetector can be operatedwith either nitrogen
or argon-5% methane (P5) makeup gas, and nitrogen, P5, or helium
carrier (as long as the helium low is less than 10milliliters per minute).
TheECDmay be thermostatted from ambient to375°C.
The ECD detects electronegative compounds, especially chlorinated,
luorinated, or brominated molecules such as carbon tetrachloride,
bromoform, PCBs andpesticides such asDDT. The ECD offers extreme
sensitivity (parts per trillion for SF
The ECD consists of a stainless steel cylinder containing
radioactive Nickel-63. The Nickel-63 emits beta particles
(electrons) which collide with the carrier gas molecules, ionizing
them in the process. This forms a stable cloud of free electrons
in the ECD cell. When electro-negative compounds enter the
cell, they immediately combine with some of the electrons,
temporarily reducing the number remaining in the electron cloud.
The detector electronics, which maintain a constant current (of
about 1 nanoampere) through the electron cloud, are forced to
pulse at a faster rate to compensate for the decreased number
of freeelectrons. Thepulse rate is converted toananalogoutput,
which is connected to thedata system.
Because it containsonly5millicuriesofNickel-63, theECD iscoveredbya “general license,”which requires
aperiodicwipe test and theilingof a formwithyour state’sDepartment ofHealth. Inmost states, noannual
fee is required.
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