SRI-CatEuro-2014_Page_01.tif - page 59

GC Injectors
On-Column Injector
• SimpleandReproducible
• For Liquids andGaseswithLowANDHighBoilingAnalytes
• For 0.53mmCapillary and 1/8”PackedColumns
• NoBoilingPoint Discrimination
• Low thermalmass
The On-Column Injector is supplied as standard
equipment with the 8610, 410 and 310 GC
For most applications, where a wide-bore
0.53mmcapillaryor 1/8” packedcolumn isused,
theOn-column Injectorwill give theBEST results.
Inmost cases theOn-Column Injector is simpler
and less expensive than heated injectors.
The injector’s low thermal mass and small size ensure that the
syringe needle deposits the liquid sample well inside the column
oven, so that as the column temperature increases, even high
boiling point samples are completely vaporized. The On-column
technique of sample introductionputs the sample into thebore of
the column itself, which is oftenmore inert than a glass injection
liner. Unlike split/splitless injection, on-column injection puts the
entire sample volume into the column without the possibility of
boilingpoint discriminationor other uncertainties, and thegradual
volatilization of the sample starting from a liquid droplet yields
sharperpeaks thanlashvaporization followedby recondensation.
TheOn-column Injector is suppliedwith carrier gas from the includedElectronicPressureController (EPC),
and the carrier gas is conveniently iltered with an internally mounted Molecular Sieve ilter which can
be baked out simply by lipping a switch on the GC’s front control panel. A second EPC is available for
operatingacolumnconnected toagas sampling valve (or for backlushing) without the injector itting. Also
available isasecond injector ittingconnected to theirst EPC for applicationswhere twocolumnsareused
inparallel, sharing the same carrier gas pressure.
On-Column Injector for 0.53mmcapillary and 1/8” packedcolumns.
IncludesEPCcarrier gas controller andmolecular sievefilter
Secondcarrier gasEPCwithout injector port fitting
Second injector port fittingwithout EPC
The On-Column Injector is
perfect for liquids and gases with
highand lowboilinganalytes.Even
very high temperature analyses
are easily performedusing simple,
reproducible on-column injection.
The On-Column Injector’s
low mass and small size
ensure that the injector
body temperature closely
follows the column oven
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