SRI-CatEuro-2014_Page_01.tif - page 63

GC Injectors
PTV - ProgrammableTemperatureVaporization Injector
MultipleGasAnalyzer #1GC
• BallisticHeating
• Ability toStopcarrier gas
• LargeVolume Injections—to 1.0mL+
• AchieveLowDetectionLimitswithout
• Split/Splitless&On-ColumnModes
• Thermal DesorptionApplications
• PeakSimpleControl
The Programmable Temperature Vaporization (PTV)
optionaddsballisticheatingcapability to theHeated
Split/Splitless Injector toaccommodate largevolume
injections or thermal desorption applications. In the
PTVmode, the insulation is removed from the Split/
Splitless Injector, so that the oven fan can cool the
PTV Injector downbetween analyses.
Split vent
Asmall amount of adsorbentmaterial, likeTenax, ispacked inside thePTV injector sleeve. The initial column
oven temperature, whichmaintains the injector cool-down temperature, should be set slightly higher than
the boiling point of the solvent. As a large volume of sample is injected, the solvent vaporizes and passes
through the adsorbent material and out the split vent. The split vent and carrier gas are under PeakSimple
control. Thecarrier gascanbe turnedOFFduring thePTVballisticheating, inorder topreheat theadsorbed
analytes prior todesorbingonto the column.
liner canbepackedwithadsorbents likeTenax, loadedwith sampleofline, then inserted
into thePTV for desorption.
PTV&Split/Splitless Injector upgrade
1...,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62 64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,...95
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