SRI-CatEuro-2014_Page_01.tif - page 35

How toBuildaCustomSRI GC
Three temperatureprogrammableoven types areavailable for SRI GCs:
1. The large air bath column oven comes standard on the 8610C chassis.
This oven will accommodate a single column on a seven inch diameter
cage, or multiple columns coiled on smaller cages or bundled without a
cage. This oven is rated to 400°C and is equippedwith a 600watt heater
and fast cool-down fans.
2. The 8610V column oven is temperature programmable from ambient
to 400°C with unlimited ramps and holds, and fast cool-down. The
larger oven accommodatesmultiple columns anddetectors.
3. The small air bath column oven comes
standard on theModel 310 chassis. This oven
will itmultiplecolumnscoiledwithinive inches
diameter (3.5” or 4” coil size preferred). This
oven is also rated to 400°C and is equipped
with a 600 watt heater and fast cool-down
fans. With the same heater wattage and cool
down fans as the large oven in a smaller
volume, this oven heats and cools faster.
Dual, independently programmable small air
bath ovens are installed on the Model 8610D
GC chassis. The second oven is 4.5” wide, so
only columns coiled smaller than four inches in
diameter canbe used.
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