SRI-CatEuro-2014_Page_01.tif - page 34

How toBuildaCustomSRI GC
SRI GasChromatographOverview
The full-featuredModel 8610GC canmount up to four detectors, ive injectors and a
host of accessories, yet isstill small enough toshipUPS/FedExor evencarrywithyou
onyour expeditions into theield. It alsoitseasilyonyour crowded laboratorybench.
The Model 8610D is identical to the 8610C except that it has dual temperature
programmable columnovens.
The 8610V GC is a vertical oven version of the 8610C which interfaces to most
ThecompactModel 310canmount four detectorsandone injector.Consider thisGC
whenyouwant thesmallest laboratoryGCavailableandplan to inject usingasyringe.
Choose the rack-mountableModel 410 for standard19-inch industrial rack systems.
The ultra-compact Model 110 can mount up to four detectors and connects to a
host GC (SRI or another brand) via a heated transfer line. Pick thismodel when you
need to adddetectors to an existingGCor want GCdetector performancewithout a
chromatographic separation (total hydrocarbon streammonitoring, etc).
StandardFeaturesof All SRI GCModels:
Built-in, single channel PeakSimpledata system
Heavy-duty, all-aluminum construction for lightweight durability.
“At-a-glance” panel display that reports the status of system heating, pressure,
and voltage control zones to thebright and easy-to-readdisplay.
• Electronic Pressure Control (EPC) for all regulated gas pressures. EPC results in
enhancedday-to-day reproducibility compared tomechanical pressure regulators
and allows the carrier gas pressure tobe ramped from thedata system.
• Four, iveor six simultaneousdetector capability—choose from16detector types.
Two year warranty andFREE technical support.
Rugged reusable plastic container which shipsUPS/FedEx. TheGC is secured in
the shipping container using a system of belts and buckles which eliminates the
need for extra styrofoam peanuts, bubble wrap and other annoying packaging
Since the typical GCweighs about 60lbs in the shipping container, it is easily carriedby oneperson.
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