SRI-CatEuro-2014_Page_01.tif - page 44

GCDetectorOverview (16 types)
• Up to 4, 5, or 6Detectors canbe InstalledonOne8610GC
• Several Detectors canbeRun inSeries forMultiple
Chromatograms fromOne Injection
• NoonehasmoreDetectorsorConfigurations thanSRI!
This 8610CGC is equipped with ECD, FID, FPD,
PID and DELCD detectors. All ive detectors may
be used and the results viewed simultaneously
(built-inor stand-alone).
Eachdetector is equippedwithElectronicPressureControlled (EPC) support gases, suchas hydrogen and
air for the FID, a thermostatted heater block for temperature stability, and internal ampliier electronics. All
detectors require factory installation. Prices listed are for thedetectormountedon anSRI chassis.
1. CCD -CatalyticCombustionDetector
2. TCD - Thermal ConductivityDetector
3. FID - Flame IonizationDetector
4. DELCD -DryElectrolyticConductivityDetector
5. FID/DELCD -CombinationFIDandDryElectrolyticConductivityDetector
6. HID -Helium IonizationDetector
7. PID - Photo IonizationDetector
8. NPD -Nitrogen-PhosphorusDetector
9. NPD/DELCD -CombinationNPDandDELCDDetector
10. TID - Thermionic IonizationDetector
11. FPD - FlamePhotometricDetector
12. FPD/FID -CombinationFPDandFIDDetector
13. Dual FPD -DualWavelength for bothSulfur andPhosphorus
14. FIDDual FPD -Dual FPDplusFIDCombinationDetector
15. ECD - ElectronCaptureDetector
16. ASD - AromaticSelectiveDetector
Detector types are selected by the user depending on the particular measurement application, detection
limit required, matrix interferences and regulatory guidelines. Some rare combinations of detectors may
conlict due to space limitations.
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