SRI-CatEuro-2014_Page_01.tif - page 39

Model 8610VGasChromatograph
• Direct syringe injectionOvens
• Electricallyoperates - nogas actuators
• Variable injection volume
• Usesoff the shelf syringes
• Dual inlet injectioncapability
• Multiple solvent/wastebottles
• Multiple samplesper vial
• Air gappingcapability
The 8610V GC is the perfect size GC and autosampler for a
crowded lab bench or for ield use with easy to ship containers
(included). It is the vertical column oven version of the well
proven SRI 8610CGC, of which thousands are in use, and can
be equipped with any of the 16 detector choices, 12 injector
choices, and dozens of accessories already available. The 120
vial liquid autosampler uses 2ml sample vials, can rinse with
two different solvents, allows for internal standard addition and
can inject into two different injectors (if the GC is so equipped).
Ten different autosampler methods can be programmed using
the convenient control panel. Nogases are required, just electric
power, for autosampler operation. The8610VGCcombinedwith
the 120-VIal Autosampler is the lowest cost, most compact GC/
Auto-sampler system available, is ield portable, and can be
equipped toperform almost anyGC analysis.
Model 8610VGasChromatographwith vertical injector 1Channel USB
Model 8610VGasChromatographwith vertical injector 6Channel USB
Model 8610V 120-Vial Autosampler
VOLTAGE: for 115VAC, use “part number-1” [ex: 8610-2003-1] for 230VAC, use “part number-2”
120 vial LiquidAutosampler
Ships easily by FedEx/UPS
• Flame ionizationdetector (FID)
Small footprint for crowded labbench
On-column injector
Many detector/injector options
400°C columnoven
Friendly, easy to reach tech support
Free training
Fieldportable system
• TwoYearWarranty
Heavy duty shipping containers
Made inUSA
• Lowpower consumption (<1000watts)
and120-Vial Autosampler
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