SRI-CatEuro-2014_Page_01.tif - page 29

Educational GCSystem
• CCDDetector
• On-Column Injector
• Built-in “whisper quiet”AirCompressor
• 1channel PeakSimpleDataSystem
• 1meterHayeSep-DColumn
...on theultracompact 310chassis
The Gas-less Educational GC system is ideal for
demonstrating the principles of gas chromatography right
in the classroom. The Gas-less Educational GC includes a
built-in “whisper-quiet” air compressor and aCCD detector.
TheCCDdetects combustible (hydrocarbon) molecules and
it operatesonair carrier gas from the internal air compressor.
This GC is perfect for teaching situations where compressed gas cylinders cannot be used due to safety
considerationsor budgetary limitations. Because it operateson itsown ininite supplyof roomair, theGas-
lessGCmay be used toperformdemonstrations in the classroom, insteadof the lab.Most traditional GCs
requireheliumcarrier gas. Compared to theongoingcost of cylinder rental, storage, andgas consumption,
operationof theGas-less Educational GC is essentially free, except for theminimal cost of electricity.
Thecolumnoven is temperatureprogrammable
up to 300°C and comes with fast cool-down
fans. Electronic PressureControl (EPC) for the
carrier gas provides rock-solid retention time
This chromatogram shows a separation of
1μL of 1000ppmmethanol in acetone using a
standardGas-less Educational GC at 130°C.
TheGas-lessEducational GC isequippedwith
a built-in, single channel PeakSimple data system, which provides powerful yet easy data acquisition, as
well as temperatureprogramming for the columnoven. Fast cool-down fans automatically cool the column
oven at the endof the analysis from 250°C to 50°C in less than iveminutes.
CCDGCSystemwith fast cool-down
(VOLTAGE: for 115VAC, use 0310-1006-1; for 230VAC, use 0310-1006-2)
NOTE: Educational models are less expensive than equivalent GCsmanufactured “à la carte” because of
batchmanufacturing eficiencies. No customizationof educational models is availableprior to initial sale,
althoughnormal factory retroit services are available after delivery.
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