SRI-CatEuro-2014_Page_01.tif - page 26

• 10-port GasSamplingValve
• PIDandFID/DELCDDetectors
• Built-in, “whisper quiet”AirCompressor
• 6channel PeakSimpleDataSystem
• AnalogOutput signal cables
• 15meterCapillaryColumnt
...on thecompact 8610Cchassis
In one easily transported instrument, you can be equipped to perform total VOCs as you drill, plus
identiicationof the speciic compoundswith nohardware changes or downtime!
ThisGChasbeenconigured tomeet theneedsofGeoprobe
operators worldwide. With one easily transported unit, you
canmeasure continuous total VOCs in theGeoprobe purge
gas and then, with a simple software switch, inject the gas
onto a GC column for separation of the individual VOC
The three detectors - FID/DELCD combination detectors and a PID detector - are plumbed in series so
that the Geoprobe purge gas lows through each detector sequentially. The PID responds to all aromatic
molecules (benzene, toluene, etc.) and many chlorinated VOCs (TCE, PCE, etc.). The FID responds to
all hydrocarbons (methane, propane, etc.) and the DELCD responds only to chlorinated or brominated
compounds (vinyl chloride, DCE, TCE, PCE, etc.).
The system isconigured so that a solenoid valve, actuatedby thePeakSimpleDataSystem, candirect the
Geoprobe purge gas either directly to the detectors for a continuous total measurement, or to a 1mL loop
on the included 10-port gas sampling valve for injection into aGC column. Once injected into the column,
the VOCs are separated and measured as individual compounds. This allows the Geoprobe operator to
immediatelyproile theVOCsonsiteeither in real timeas theprobe ispushed, or later by locating theprobe
at speciicdepthswhere the total VOCmeasurement indicatedVOC hotspots.
Geoprobe #1GC system
Geoprobe #2GC system (noPIDdetector)
OPTIONS&UPGRADES: split/splitless andPTV injectors
(VOLTAGE: for 115VAC, use “part number-1” [ex: 8610-0061-1] for 230VAC, use “part number-2”)
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