SRI-CatEuro-2014_Page_01.tif - page 28

• Dual FIDDetectors
• HayeSep-DColumn
• 10-port GasSamplingValve
• Standard&SampleStreamSolenoids
• Built-in “whisper quiet”AirCompressor
• 6Channel PeakSimpleDataSystem
...on the rackmountable410chassis
The Rack Mount Mudlogging GC system provides
a continuous reading of total hydrocarbons in
a gas stream while periodically performing a
chromatographic separation todetermine the exact
compositionof the sample gas stream.
At a regulated pressure, the sample gas stream lows through the loop of the 10 port gas sampling valve
and also to the second FID detector, which continuallymonitors the total hydrocarbon content of the gas.
Periodically, thegassamplingvalve injects thecontentsof its loop into theGCcolumn,where it isseparated
into the constituent hydrocarbon peaks and detected by the irst FID detector. The operator controls the
timingof thevalve injections through thebuilt-in, sixchannel PeakSimpledatasystem.Solenoids for sample
and standard stream switching are included and are selectable through thedata system.
The PeakSimple data system controls the
automated valve injection sequence and
displays both the continuous total hydrocarbon
readingaswell as theseparatedpeaks.Analarm
function alerts the operator for any out-of-range
readings. Summary reports are easily printed or
copied toExcel or similar programs.
OPTIONS&UPGRADES: One-MinuteAnalysis
(VOLTAGE: for 115VAC, use 0410-0065-1; for 230VAC, use 0410-0065-2)
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